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Тут я расскажу как не стать в этом мире еще одним нубом, бродящим по кланам и выпрашивающем милостыню. Материалы для базы найдены на просторах сети Интернет. Если затронуты авторские права, пишите на наш Email
Поиск материалов для базы - Александр Каяшов
Споил рецептов на ресурсы:
8 уровень - Recipe: Braided Hemp - Goblin Scout - Talking Island Village
8 уровень - Recipe: Coarse Bone Powder (100%) - Utuku Orc Archer - Dwarf Village (Western Mining Zone)
9 уровень - Recipe: Steel - Garum Werewolf - Dwarf Village (Western Mining Zone)
10 уровень - Recipe: Leather - Rakeclaw Imp Chieftain - Orc Village (Immortal Plateau, Northern Region)
17 уровень - Recipe: Compound Braid - Scarlet Salamander - Orc Village (Caves of Trials)
19 уровень - Recipe: Steel Mold - Undine Noble - Talking Island Village (Elven Ruins) 19 уровень - Recipe: Cord - Salamander Noble - Talking Island Village (Elven Ruins)
19 уровень - Recipe: Silver Mold и Recipe: Synthetic Cokes - Undead Slave - Orc Village (Caves of Trials) 19 уровень - Recipe: Cokes - Kuruka Ratman - Orc Village (Caves of Trials)
19 уровень - Recipe: Varnish of Purity - Lirein Elder - The Neutral Zone - Elven Village (The Neutral Zone)
20 уровень - Recipe: High Grade Suede - Lycanthrope - The Neutral Zone - Elven Village (The Neutral Zone)
33 - уровень - Recipe: Blacksmith's frame - Marsh Stakato Soldier - Dion (Cruma Tower)
39 уровень - Recipe: Oriharukon - Catacomb Stakato Soldier - The Pilgrims Necropolis (в середине)
40 уровень - Recipe: Mithril Alloy - Grave Keeper Dark Horror - The Pilgrims Necropolis (в середине)
40 уровень - Recipe: Artisan's frame - Grandis - Giran (Dragon Valley)
43 уровень - Recipe: Metal Hardener (100%) - Zaken's Pikeman - Giran (Devil's Isle, у самого входа)
49 уровень - Recipe: Maestro Mold (100%) - Tarlk Bugbear High Warrior - Oren (недалеко от Ivory Tower)
50 уровень - Recipe: Maestro Holder (100%) - Tarlk Basilisk - Oren (Outlaw Forest)
65 уровень - Recipe: Craftsman Mold (100%) - Doom Knight - Aden (Fields of Massacre)
Рецепты ресурсов Metallic Theread, Crafted Leather, Durable metal plate проще купить у других персонажей.